Monday, 17 October 2016

Learner Diary

Week 1,
We have been learning about distinct which is the method you use to analyse a piece of media text i.e. a picture. Distinct stands for Don't Ignore Setting Technical codes Narrative Characters also Theme and tone. Using this picture you are able to analyse any piece of media text.

Week 2,
The Brief is the outline of what the client want us to do, our brief is to redesign the college website to be more suitable to for female and male students wanting to come to the college which are ages 15-17 year olds. A client is a person or company who is hiring or tasking you to carry out the brief that they have set you. The client who has given us the brief is the East Norfolk Marketing Team.

Week 3,
We have been analyzing websites on how they are suited for male or females. A Primary audience is the audience that people definitely want target and secondary audience are the people who are also targeted but its more broadly such as the parents of the students. Brand identity is the icon that a company uses to be recognized, is can also be called a logo an example of this is the McDonald's golden arches.

Week 4, 
This week we have been learning about Hex codes which is a code that creates a colour, no matter what way you see it the colour will be the same. This makes it so if you view it in different ways such as viewing through different browsers then the colour will always be the same. Another thing we have learnt this week is Typography which is how a font is made, you have safe fonts which are font that no matter what browser you view  the site on the font will be the same. Fonts can be split up into 3 main groups: serif, sans serif, and mono-space. Serifs are the fonts that have extra  bit and the ends of a letter, sans serif which does not have the extra bits and mono-space which give each letter the same amount of room whether it be a w or an i. 

We learnt about page layouts such as the featured picture which can show off a picture you like, power grid which mean you can cram your page fill of media and fixed side bar which is where you can scroll down but the side bar will always be there.Image result for hex color

Week 5,
We have been creating website templates for our redesign of the East Norfolk Website so that when we made a mock of the website it would be easy to lay out also it would all be in the exact same place. For my the template of my redesign have a used a fixed side bar because I think it would look perfect for the redesign of the east Norfolk website. I have made a mood board that has what I wanted incorporated into the website. We all made a mock up of the home page with a link page in PowerPoint too see how it would all think up.

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